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Biography of Pandit Pradeep Mishra Maharaj ji - Birthdate, Age, Family

Pandit Pradeep Mishra Ji Biography Hindi Wife, Status, Fees Shiv Puran, Sehore Wale, net worth, family Pandit Pradeep Mishra Ji Biography

Friends, you must have heard about Pandit Pradeep Mishra, who is also a famous story telling singer and spiritual master.

Through his story, he brings invaluable change in the lives of people and also inspires them to walk on the right path. 

Pandit Pradeep Mishra also has his own YouTube channel where he gives discourses, apart from this his program is broadcast on Aastha channel.

Most of the discourse stories of Shri Pradeep Mishra of Sehore are related to Shiv Puran and Pandit Mishra Ji also started reading the story from Shiv Puran itself.

In such a situation, if you also want to know what is the introduction of Pandit Pradeep Mishra's life and what are his social accounts, who are there in his family, if you want to know everything about him then I will request you. Do read this post till further.

Pandit Pradeep Mishra Biography, Family, Income, Biodata (Pandit Pradeep Mishra Biography Hindi)

Pradeep Mishra is a well-known storyteller and hymnist of India and the world, he inspires people to walk on the right path through his hymns.

Apart from this, the discourses given by him also bring a radical change in the lives of the people, his story is heard by the people in foreign countries as well and his program is also there.

He is also recognized in the world as a famous storyteller and when he gives some discourses, his words are very deep and precious.

नाम (Name)पंडित श्री प्रदीप जी मिश्रा
जन्म (Date of Birth)1980
आयु (Age)42 वर्ष (2022)
जन्म स्थान (Birth Place)सीहोरमध्य प्रदेश
पिता का नाम (Father Name)श्री रामेश्वर दयाल जी मिश्रा
माता का नाम (Mother Name)ज्ञात नहीं
पत्नी (Marital Status/WifeMarried
पेशा (Occupationअंतर्राष्ट्रीय कथा वाचक
बच्चे (Children)ज्ञात नहीं
भाई (Brother)भाई (दीपक मिश्रा एवं विनय मिश्रा)
बहन (Sister)NA
शिक्षा (Education/Qualification)ज्ञात नहीं
धर्म (Religion)हिन्दू
Caste (Cast)ज्ञात नहीं
अवार्ड (Award)ज्ञात नहीं
Net Worthज्ञात नहीं
Youtube ChannelClick Here
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Birth and Age of Pandit Pradeep Mishra Ji (Birthday Date Age)

Pandit Pradeep Mishra was born in 1980 in Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh, he is also known as Sehore Baba due to his birth in Sehore district. As of today, his age is 42 years.

Pandit Pradeep Mishra's family (Sehore Wale Ki Family, Son)

Pandit Pradeep Mishra's family includes his parents, his two brothers and his wife and their children. His parents' name is Ramdayal Mishra. No information is known about his mother.

The names of his two brothers are Vinay Mishra and Deepak Mishra. Pandit Pradeep Sharma is married but what is the name of his wife and child, no information is available about it yet.

School Education Diksha (Pandit Pradeep Mishra Education)

Pandit Mishra has done his schooling from his birthplace Sehore and after that he has also obtained a bachelor's degree. Apart from this, he has done a deep study of Hindu religious scriptures.

Married Life of Pradeep Mishra (Marriage, Wife)

Pandit Pradeep Mishra is a married man and has a wife and children together, but no information has been given about him by him till now because he does not like to make public things related to his life.

Career of Pandit Pradeep Mishra

If we talk about Pandit Pradeep Mishra's career, he started his career as a story teller and after that his fame has become so much that today he has millions of followers on YouTube and Facebook.

Apart from this, one of his programs Aastha Channel is broadcast which is heard by millions of people. Apart from this, Pradeep Pandit Mishra also sings devotional songs and after listening to his songs, devotees are completely immersed in the devotion of God.

Religious work of Pandit Pradeep Mishra

Pandit Pradeep Mishra is a Hindu storyteller, he always gives a good statement on those aspects related to Hinduism.

After listening to this, every person who follows Hinduism awakens in his heart the feeling of being loyal and devoted to his religion.

Apart from this, they also keep their views on important aspects related to religion, which if you adopt in your life then you will always be happy and positive.

Awards and Awards (Pandit Pradeep Mishra Award)

Pandit Pradeep Mishra ji has not yet been given any award or award from the government, but the way Pradeep Mishra is showing the right path to the people through his discourse.

And are doing good to the society, in such a situation, very soon they will be given awards and awards by the government, till then we should listen to the words of our great storyteller and follow them in life.

Pandit Pradeep Mishra Net Worth

There is no official information about how much Pandit Pradeep Mishra's property is available so far, but as you know that Pradeep Mishra must have been doing storytelling in any program related to devotion, then he must have charged lakhs of rupees as fees.

In such a situation, his wealth will also definitely be in lakhs. Apart from this, they also have their own YouTube channel, where millions of views come, in such a situation their income would also be in lakhs.

Shri Pandit Pradeep Mishra Fees Structure

Pandit Pradeep Mishra is a well-known hymnist and story reader, in such a situation, if he would do any program, then his fees would be in lakhs, so we can say that if Pradeep Mishra is doing any kind of religious program in today's date, then Their price will also be in lakhs.

Totke of Pandit Pradeep Mishra (Sehore Wale Totke, upay)

If you are very upset and frustrated with your life, then for this you can use the tricks of Pandit Pradeep Mishra in your life.

Due to which it will be easy for you to get rid of your troubles, the tricks of Pradeep Mishra are of written type, I am giving you their details below which are as follows-

for debt relief

If you have more debt, then you can use Pradeep Mishra's trick, for this, first of all you should worship the banyan tree, because by doing this all the debts and problems you have will be solved.

For this you have to remember Vatkeshwar Mahadev. You have to do this type of process every Monday, apart from this you have to keep the roots of the butt tree with you. By doing this you will get rid of the loan related problem.

When to take a loan and when not

According to the tricks of Maharaj Pradeep Mishra, a person should never take a loan on Tuesday because doing so is considered inauspicious.

According to Maharaj Pradeep Mishra, a person should not give loan to any other person on Wednesday, if you do this then your money will surely get sunk and you will never get back the money you are giving as a loan. .

According to the scriptures, it is forbidden to take a loan on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mobile Contact Number of Maharaj Pradeep Mishra (Social Media And Contact Number)

To contact Mishra ji, you can contact him through his mobile number or mail or you can also contact his social media account.

Email ID –

Contact Number – 7007 12991

Some interesting facts of Pandit Pradeep Mishra ji

The most interesting thing about Pandit Pradeep Mishra is that he uses the story of Shiv Puran the most in his discourses.

And the most interesting thing about him is that in today's time you will get to hear his story in every house and on mobile, Pandit ji has dominated everywhere through YouTube.

In today's time, the most interesting thing about him is that the elderly people listen to his story as well as the youth of India have started listening to his story a lot.

Talking more interestingly about Pandit Pradeep Mishra, along with reciting the story of Shiv Puran, he also tells many tricks to the people, which removes the problems of the people.

The most interesting thing about them is that in today's time, they also work to increase the enthusiasm of the youth and also tell inspirational stories, that is why its popularity is increasing continuously.

The more interesting thing about Shri Pandit Pradeep Mishra is that he donates most of his earnings to charity, so that the downtrodden becomes good.

Talking about the most interesting thing about Sehore Wale Pandit Pradeep Mishra, in today's time his popularity is increasing continuously, due to which his followers are increasing rapidly on social media too.

In today's time, many people know Pandit Mishra by the name of Sehore Wale because he was born in Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh.

So friends, here is the information about the life introduction of Pandit Pradeep Mishra, yet even after reading this, you will have many questions in your mind, then definitely tell us by commenting so that we will keep updating this article from time to time.


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